Media & Public Philosophy

Facundo Rodriguez on Kant's interpersonal philosophy

I was on the Philosopher's Nest talking to Kyle Van Oosterum and Lewis Williams about my doctoral research on Kant and Kantian ethics. You can listen to the episode for an overview of my research topic below.

Going Properly Hybrid about Reasons - PLP Forum with Ruth Chang

Listen to a discussion my recent work in progress on a hybrid theory of reasons with Professor Ruth Chang at the Philosophy, Law and Politics Graduate Forum. In this paper, I argue that going hybrid about practical reasons might be the way to go, but only if we go properly hybrid.

Jorge Luis Borges: Taming the Beasts of Philosophy

During the pandemic I took part in a literary project called La Piccioletta Barca, where I co-edited a column on translations. As part of this project. I also participated in LPB's podcast discussing J. L. Borges's literature and its relationship to philosophy. You can listen to the episode and some of my thoughts on Borges's work and the relationship between literature and philosophy on the link below: